Just In Case…Do You Know Where These Documents Are?

Let’s have a show of hands.  Who loves to prepare for disasters?

…We didn’t think so. But being prepared for emergency evacuations is a necessity for everyone.

Here is a simple project to prepare for the unexpected. Regardless of the state of the rest of your house, these are the documents to keep organized and accessible just in case:

  1. Life or disability insurance policies and/or agent contact information. Don’t forget to include any coverage offered through your employer and/or auto insurance.

  2. List of assets and open accounts – you can gather sample statements or create a list of all accounts, loans, lines of credit, etc.. Make sure to include the safe deposit box key and information.

  3. Trust Document and/or name of your attorney

  4. Will

  5. Healthcare Directive and Financial POA

  6. Passwords and log-ins to unlock the phone or computer

  7. Medical cards and list of doctors/caregivers

  8. List of prescriptions

  9. Vital Records: Birth certificates, Social Security cards, marriage certificates, copies of drivers licenses

  10. If you own a business, who are the key contacts? What is your emergency plan?

Whether you are partnered or not, identify the person or persons who would be tasked with managing things in your absence and share with them the locations of these documents. It’s ideal to also keep a digital copy of these items and make sure your trusted helper has access to those as well.

Think of how much easier it will be for your loved ones, and better for you, if in the time of crisis they don’t have to dig through various drawers and files looking for information unsure what they may be missing. Creating a simple system for just in case is the kind of gift that provides peace of mind to you and to those who are left to take care of business when you can’t.


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